Business of Fashion Professional Summit
Thanks for coming to my talk!
Here’s a link to the deck, as well as links to do a deeper dive on what was discussed.
“What always strikes me about conversations about equity is how most people view things like white supremacy as a “boogeyman”... like it’s just lurking in the shadows waiting to jump out and call you a racist in front of all your co-workers or friends. In reality, it builds up in the little decisions that you make every day. Racism is really the sum of many behaviors, big and small. Mostly small.”
“It’s easy to get COMFORTABLE with things that are wrong. But here’s the problem with comfort: if that’s all you ever look for, then you’ll never find TRUTH. Greatness doesn’t come from staying within your comfort zone. And change is gonna happen anyway -- with or without you. Having the ability to learn and a willingness to change -- especially about yourself -- is everything.”
“In my opinion, designing with human nature in mind is the only way to create a considerate capitalist society. A considerate capitalist company is: one that has agile systems that can move and adjust with quickly-changing times; one that allows us to try things that we know are equally as likely to fail as they are to succeed; and, it’s one that has a response for either outcome.”
“Think of changing the world as changing YOUR world. Start with yourself and what’s close to home. When the problems feel too big and overwhelming, focus on what you can handle. Lower the stakes. What can you consistently show up and do? Master that, then grow from there.”
I offer consulting and advisory services. Poke around to learn more about me and my expertise. Oh, and click here if you’re interested in having me speak at your next event.
I also encourage you to support these initiatives that I started:
Black & Brown Founders: helping Black and Latinx people start tech businesses
Zebras Unite: building new models for capital, community, and culture for startups
Firefly Alliance: bringing womxn together to cultivate the leadership skills necessary to move to a world beyond racism and sexism
Showing Up for Racial Justice: The Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture
Me, thread on Twitter: Being the “troublemaker” (see more of my Twitter threads here)
Coco: The “Problem” Woman of Colour in the Workplace
Me, thread on Twitter: Redesigning Systems & Incentives (see more of my Twitter threads here)
Greater Good Magazine: How to Close the Gap Between Us and Them
Vox: The unbearable whiteness of social networks
On Being: Resmaa Menakem ‘Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence’
Michael Sandel: A New Politics of Hope
Time: The Roots of Good and Evil
Brené Brown: Dare to Lead (To define your values, see the list here. Exercise: whittle this down to TWO that best fit you)
Harville & Helen: What is Imago?