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5 Rules for Reimagining Capitalism

We’re entering a new age where many entrepreneurs, executives, and investors are looking at a quadruple bottom line: customers, employees, society, and shareholders. We’re aware of the destabilization and damage that companies can cause when growth is the only compass, but how do we pivot to people? In this talk, Aniyia shares her “5 Rules for Reimagining Capitalism” along with some questions to ponder as we shape new economies.

Here’s a link to the deck, as well as links to do a deeper dive on what was discussed.


“The truth is: that so much of class, race, and gender struggles point directly to BUSINESS as a source. The truth is: bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination are symptoms of a disease called GREED that should have been quarantined a very long time ago. And the the truth is: it’s now our way of life. We’ve gotten really comfortable with the way things are.”

“It’s easy to get COMFORTABLE with things that are wrong. But here’s the problem with comfort: if that’s all you ever look for, then you’ll never find TRUTH. Greatness doesn’t come from staying within your comfort zone. And change is gonna happen anyway -- with or without you. Having the ability to learn and a willingness to change -- especially about yourself -- is everything.”

“The answer to inequality is mobility. If we want to move people up the income ladder, or if we want to have healthy and thriving economies, then people need to have their basic needs met. People need and should be entitled to: good healthcare; a safe place to live, rest and sleep; clean air, and clean water; an honest and true education; a livable wage or resources to satisfy other essential needs; an equal vote. These are the basics, and there is enough for everyone.”

“Think of changing the world as changing YOUR world. Start with yourself and what’s close to home. Solve problems for communities that you have meaningful access to, or support the people who are already doing the work. No one likes it when a stranger comes to town giving ‘ivory tower solutions’. When the problems feel too big and overwhelming, focus on what you can handle. Lower the stakes. What can you consistently show up and do? Master that, then grow from there.”


I encourage you to support these initiatives that I’m involved with:

Black & Brown Founders: helping Black and Latinx people start tech businesses

Black Innovation Alliance: building an ecosystem of organizations that support, fund, and sustain Black innovators.

Zebras Unite: building new models for capital, community, and culture for startups

Firefly Alliance: bringing womxn together to cultivate the leadership skills necessary to move to a world beyond racism and sexism


Our World In Data: 12 key metrics to understand the state of the world

Intelligencer: America’s Income Inequality Is Reaching a Tipping Point

CNN Health: US life expectancy is still on the decline. Here's why

The Atlantic: The Misplaced Fears About the United States’ Declining Fertility Rate 11 FACTS ABOUT HUNGER IN THE US

PBS News Hour: Why 36 million American adults can’t read enough to work — and how to help them

USA Today: 63 million Americans exposed to unsafe drinking water

Time: How Davos Became a Climate Change Conference How Ben Franklin's Viral Political Cartoon United the 13 Colonies

Vanity Fair: The 1 Percent’s Problem

Michael Sandel: A New Politics of Hope

Michael Sandel: What Money Can’t Buy (Book)

Time: More Millennials Are Dying 'Deaths of Despair,' as Overdose and Suicide Rates Climb

Esther Perel: Modern Love and Relationships | SXSW 2018

Psychology Today: Maintaining Healthy Social Connections Improves Well-Being

Time: The Roots of Good and Evil

Brené Brown: Dare to Lead (To define your values, see the list here. Exercise: whittle this down to TWO that best fit you)